Did you know that 95 million photos are shared on Instagram each day? More than a billion users are now active on the site. What does that mean to you? If you’re a sports planner, it could mean a lot in terms of social media marketing in sharing your event with the world. That’s right, the entire world.

How? It’s simple. Get your fans and their families to share photos during your competitions and tournaments using an event-specific hashtag. Make it relevant and descriptive. You can even start using it to promote the event beforehand so interested parties will already be following the hashtag.
It doesn’t have to be just on Instagram, though. Facebook users upload 350 million new photos a day. Encourage your participants to share each other’s photos, and you can see how a domino effect could have thousands of people viewing your event.
Another way to use photos to promote your event is to share our Sports Commission photos on social sites. On Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you’ll find a wealth of photos and videos from most sporting events held in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. Interact on social and share those photos with your fans and their families.

Don’t forget to share out your own event photos in albums on social media and repurpose those throughout the year on your website, newsletters and other event-marketing collateral.
So take advantage of photos, videos and social media already in place to share the story of your competition in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. After all, how many grandparents, aunts, and uncles wouldn’t want to see their child (of any age!) compete?