Open-Water Swimming Tips
In Gulf Shores & Orange Beach
Stay safe during your next beach trip with these swimming tips.
As the water warms up and the sun shines brighter, you might be thinking about venturing into the Gulf of Mexico. Open-water swimming can offer many benefits, such as improving your mental health, enhancing circulation, increasing your metabolism, and even boosting your immune system. And of course, simply enjoying the great outdoors!
It’s certainly wise, though, to heed the proper precautions before taking the plunge. We have listed a few tips below to help prepare you and ultimately make your time in our favorite place a fun and safe adventure.

1. Be Cautious of Where and When You Swim
Always swim in a designated area supervised by lifeguards. Stay close to shore so you can be seen and rescued quickly if needed. For the question of when to swim, full daytime is naturally the safest. Visibility is low in the early morning hours and at dusk, and predatory animals in the water tend to move closer to shore at night. Regardless of the time and location, always stay aware of your surroundings!

2. Never Swim Alone
Having someone with you or spotting you from the shore benefits you and your friend should you need direct assistance. It’s easier for rescuers to spot two people in the water than one. It also adds to the fun to have a friend alongside you.
3. Go With the Flow
Should you be caught in a strong rip current and find you are swimming but moving backward (or you don’t move at all), do not panic. Just try to float. Whenever a wave passes you, take a breath. When the current weakens, swim at an angle away from the current toward the shore. Find more information on beach safety and rip currents here.

4. Monitor the Conditions
A sunny day doesn't necessarily mean great swimming conditions. Check your daily surf forecasts before heading to the beach, then heed the flags when you arrive. For beach conditions in Gulf Shores, call 251-968-SURF (7873). For beach conditions in Orange Beach, call 251-981-SURF (7873). Sign up to receive daily beach conditions and warning flag status by texting ALBEACHES to 888777.

5. Stay Hydrated
When spending time in the water, it’s easy to forget about staying hydrated and protected from the sun. It’s important to step out of the water every 60-90 minutes for some water and fresh sunscreen application!
6. Have fun!
We hope you enjoy visiting our shores and swimming in our turquoise waters!