Although the temperatures drop along Alabama’s Beaches throughout the winter months, there are still plenty of fishing spots that will please any angler who’s not ready to put their rods and reels away. With the colder air, water, and land temperatures, many species move from their summer hangouts and shallow waters to deeper water inside our local tidal creeks and rivers.

Although the season may slow down across the country with the falling temperatures, Alabama’s Beaches still offer plenty of winter fishing opportunities for anglers of any skill set. As temperatures fall, species such as redfish and speckled trout need to find consistent water temperatures in the deep holes that offer the saltiest water to make it through winter comfortably. A great way to target these species is to focus on the tidal creeks and rivers surrounding our local inshore bays while looking for the deeper holes along the outer bends of those waters.
As temperatures fall, species such as redfish and speckled trout need to find consistent water temperatures in the deep holes that offer the saltiest water to make it through winter comfortably. A great way to target these species is to focus on the tidal creeks and rivers surrounding our local inshore bays while looking for the deeper holes along the outer bends of those waters.

During the colder months in these areas, test out throwing smaller 3-inch paddle tails with either an eighth or quarter-ounce jig head. Some favorite colors to throw during the colder months include chartreuse, light purple, or a bone color.
Other baits that work well for those species during the winter are suspending twitch baits and topwater plugs on warmer days. For twitch baits, try Yo-zuri 3DS minnows and Mirrolure Mirrodines in regular and heavy for the deeper areas, and you can never go wrong with a Rapala X-Rap.

Another great option to make during the colder months if you are not into throwing artificial baits is to fish the inshore structures such as bridges, docks, and rock rubble piles in search of sheepshead, redfish, and black drum. These fish species frequent some of the gnarliest of areas, so be sure to bring plenty of extra tackle, but also be prepared for quite the fight while using inshore tackle. Some tried, and true rigs for these fish include a small split shot rig using two number four-sized split shot weights and a size one Gamakatsu octopus hook. Another great option if fishing in stronger currents is to Carolina rig a one-ought or two-ought circle hook with a one- or two-ounce egg weight.

Some of the best baits to use for these species can be tough to find in the winter months but include fiddler crabs, live or fresh dead shrimp, fresh blue crab, or cut bait fish. Sheepshead seem to prefer to use Fiddler crabs most of the time, but if not available, shrimp make a great option. However, as it’s always said, everything you want to catch eats shrimp, but so does everything you don’t want to!

Redfish and black drum also enjoy eating those baits, but some of the best baits to use for them this time of year are blue crab and fresh-cut bait such as mullet and menhaden. These baits create a larger scent trail that will allow them to find your hook and bait easier and faster.
Although fishing may slow down across the country with the falling temperatures, Alabama’s Beaches still offer plenty of fishing opportunities for anglers of any skill set.